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Trams of Halberstadt

tram in the old town of Halberstadt

this website | links | visiting Halberstadt

This website:

Halberstadt photo gallery
Halberstadt T&UT article (2007)

This site's news archives may contain the occasional reference to Halberstadt.


Stadtverkehr Halberstadt (offcial website)
Ditmar Pauke's Halberstadt tram fleet list
100 Jahre Straßenbahn Halberstadt (pictures of the centenary)
Die Straßenbahn in Halberstadt (another pictorial website)
Halberstadt ohne Strassenbahn ? (a report on the tram debate by C. Thomas Wagner)

Visiting Halberstadt:

my favourite hotel: Altstadtpension Ratsmühle
my favourite restaurant: Alt Halberstadt

This page last updated on 15.12.2006