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Three years of news

filed on: 13.11.2006 (13th Nov 2006)

Tram at Kirche Fluntern As this newslog enters the fourth year of its existence, I would like to thank all readers and supporters who have helped build its popularity. When I started this newslog, I imagined I would add about an contribution a month, and my motivation lay largely in the fun of making a website. From the beginning, updates were more frequent than this, although I cannot guarantee this will always be the case as this depends both on my time and on newsworthy developments occurring. I gradually realised that web-based interest in Zürich trams is huge and that many people are coming to this page rather than consulting the various official webistes and newsgroups. This is often due to a language barrier (showing it was the right decison to make this page in English), but also because people prefer digested and selected news from a single source rather than having to tour various sites to collect snippets of questionable interest. Consequently, even many German speakers are using these pages. I have recieved a lot of mail from regular readers from all over the world, and made many friends — making the effort all the more worthwhile.

Over the past twelve months, this page scored 8422 hits (compared to 4678 in the previous year and 2511 the year before that). October also saw the monthly figure hit four digits for the first time, scoring a grand 1257. Real figures may be higher still as many visitors are also reading articles in the search results, which do not count towards these statistics. These figures may seem meagre compared to what other sites are getting, but are quite good for a site of such a specialised field of interest (and they are far above anything that I had expected).

My advice to anybody wishing to start a website on any subject summed up in two words: frequent updates. This website has been around in a rudimentary form since 1999 but only the newslog has helped it to noteworthy visitor numbers.

Once again, a big thank you to all my regular and not so regular readers. And please continue telling your friends and spreading the word.

See also: Two years of news (14.11.2005), statistics.

This news item is from the 2006 newslog.

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