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Cargo trams in other cities update

filed on: 24.05.2006 (24th May 2006)

A year has passed since this website last reported on Vienna's Güterbim. Its website reports that the demonstrator is proving its worth ferrying supplies between the main workshops and the depots and also shifting wheelsets and running gear between the main workshops and the Bombardier works (Bombardier's Vienna works has a track connection to the tram system). For the future, two areas of expansion are envisaged. These are deliveries to shops — possibly using a cargo version of the low-floor ULF tram. The low floor facilitates the quick loading and unloading of palettes. The other area is the collection of refuse for individuals and companies, including hazardous waste and return bottles.

Amsterdam too, is making progress. The feasibilty study (presented to city council on 26th April) delivered a positive result. Negotiations are to start with City Cargo over the implementation of a goods service. Lorry access to the ciy would be restricted and goods delivered by trams to disribution centres in the city from where the door-to-door distribution can be assured by electric vans.

See also:
Cargotram for Amsterdam? (28.11.2005)
Güterbim — Vienna tests its cargo tram (25.05.2005)
Cargotram concept speads to Vienna (11.08.2004)
This website's cargotram page.

This news item is from the 2006 newslog.

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