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Countdown to Stadtbahn Glattal — 74 days

filed on: 27.09.2006 (27th Sep 2006)

The overhead line of the first phase of Stadtbahn Glattal was energised this Monday (25th September). Test running will start on 16th October and passenger services will commence with the timetable switch of 10th December.

source: VBG

Seen on route 11 this morning: 2315 advertising the approaching opening: "Die Linie 11 mit 5 neuen Haltestellen, ab 10 Dezember, Umsteigen lohnt sich". For this tram, advertising extensions to route 11 is nothing new: Together with 2086, it carried an advertising livery for the Messe extension from 1998 to 2004.

See also
Cobra debut on route 11 and Stadtbahn Glattal (24.09.2006)
Glattal latest (16.06.2006)
Search news archive for Stadtbahn Glattal
Stadtbahn Glattal described in this website's Zürich article (2005)

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