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Swisstrolley deliveries complete

filed on: 04.12.2007 (4th Dec 2007)

The 18th and final Swisstrolley trolleybus, number 161, arrived at the VBZ main workshops in Altsetten today.

16 Swisstrolleys and 17 LighTrams were ordered by VBZ in July 2005 as a replacement for Mercedes/ABB GTZ 1-11/13-36. The first Swisstrolley (144) arrived in July 2006, with the rest of the batch (145-59) following from January 2007. An option for two further Swisstrolleys (160-1) was exercised in February. Delivery of the longer LighTrams (61-77) began in August 2007 and will continue into 2008.

See also this website's trolleybus page

This news item is from the 2007 newslog.

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