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Passenger information displays

filed on: 05.02.2007 (5th Feb 2007)

Three Cobra type trams on route 9 have been equipped with real-time passenger information displays. These monitors, fitted inside the trams, announce the next stop with arrival times as well as real-time information on connections.

source: VBZ

Website comment: Similar displays have been used on the new generation of Neoplan buses for some time now. But alas, these often defeated their purpose by announcing hypothetical connections that the passenger could just as well have read from the route network him- or herself, including connections to bus routes that were not operating at that time of day. Only real-time information makes such a system genuinely useful. Is it worth dashing for a late-running connection, or is it better to take it calmly because the next is just minutes behind, or is it maybe better to maybe stay on board to travel by a different route? With an electronic traffic control system all this information is available in the control centre, so why not make it available to passengers. This is sensible use of technology for the benefit of all. Thank you VBZ!

This news item is from the 2007 newslog.

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