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Trolleybus news update

filed on: 07.05.2007 (7th May 2007)

GTZ trolleybuses zurich Jürgen Lehmann's trolleybus website, Obus 269 features a regular newsletter with news from across Europe. The latest edition (Nr 86, April 2007) includes news on the following:

Bern: with various trolleybus routes temporarily or permanently diesel-bus worked, only routes 11 and 12 currently see trolleybuses.

Sankt Gallen: the town council is considering replacing trolleybuses by hybrid buses. As an alternative, the acquisition of 7 double-articulated and 17 single-articulated trolleys is to be considered. The entire current fleet will be replaced.

Schaffhausen: a decison on the future of this small system is due to be taken this Spring. A study recommends conversion to diesel operation. This would take place in late 2008 coinciding with the rebuilding of an underpass. Local opposition is stirring.

Winterthur: in this city too, trolleybuses are threatened. The town council wishes to take a decision on the system's future before the end of the year.

In the face of so much troubling news, it is comforting that developments further West are more positive. Genève's route 7 was extended by 1km to Hôpital in February. In Lausanne, the delivery of 10 trailers from Hess was completed in the same month.

Zürich: besides the withdrawal of trolleybus 4122 (aka 1), two further GTZs are withdrawn and two others transferred to driver training duties.

source: Obus 269

See also this website's trolleybus page.

Update On 7th May the executive town council of Sankt Gallen decided in favour of purchasing 7 double-articulated buses for 2008-2009 and 17 single articulated vehicles for 2008-2011. Earlier plans to stretch existing single-articulated vehicles by adding low-floor rear sections are being dropped. These replacements reduce the trolleybus fleet by two vehicles. The decison requires council confirmation. Stadt St.Gallen

On 30th April, tl (Lausanne) received authorisation to purchase 35 double-articulated trolleybuses for 43 million franks. The buses will enter service from 2009. There should be 100 new vehicles by 2014.

According to a 14th May report on the trolleybus Yahoogroup, trolleybuses could vanish from Valparaíso (Chile) in little more than two months due to financial difficulties caused by minibus competition. The city has many ex-Swiss trolleys.

On 22nd May, the full council of Sankt Gallen approved the trolleybus acquisition. A referendum will be held in November.

This news item is from the 2007 newslog.

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