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filed on: 18.07.2007 (18th Jul 2007)

zueri faeschtA belated report on last week's Züri-Fäscht (6-8 July): This is a major event taking place every three years. During a period of three days, the lakeside area is closed to traffic, with numerous attractions, small and large, attracting the crowds. VBZ was present again this year with various attractions, including the popular pump trolley racing and with the Tram Bar (rear section of Mirage prototype 1801 converted to a portable bar).

Directly adjoining this, the Schweizer Verein der Feld- und Werkbahn Freunde (Otelfingen) operated their light railway.

Pictures of the event are available here. I have uploaded a short video of the pump trolley racing here. A broader selection of recent photographs can be viewed here.

See also: (very) Special trams at Züri-Fäscht (05.07.2004)

Link to: Feld- und Werkbahn Freunde

This news item is from the 2007 newslog.

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