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Mulhouse trams visit Buenos Aires

filed on: 21.02.2007 (21st Feb 2007)

Mulhouse tram Pte Jeune What can it mean when two Mulhouse trams appear on the streets of the Argentine capital? Their appearance may well be marking the first step in the return of trams to this city. With the support of Alstom, a 2km demonstration line is being operated in the Puerto Madero neighbourhood. If the trial is succesful, the line will be extended to Retiro.

The demonstartion line will be worked for one year using two Alstom Citadis-type trams from Mulhouse. The cars concerned are Didenheim and Staffelfelden which were shipped via the port of Bilbao and arrived in Buenos Aires on 24th January. Public service is expected to start in mid March.

source: (Mulhouse official tram website) (forum discussion in Spanish)

Trams have been absent from central Buenos Aires for 43 years, but the city is not entirely without trams. A heritage operation exists in the Caballito neighbourhood, and two further unconnected lines operate. (website of heritage tram)

See also:
Mulhouse: grand opening (17.05.2006)
First tram reaches Mulhouse (13.01.2005)

This news item is from the 2007 newslog.

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