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Tram Zürich West — the campaign hottens

filed on: 21.05.2007 (21st May 2007)

tram zuerich west ja With the referendum over Tram Zürich West planned for 17th June, the political campaign is warming up. Besides the usual anti-tram voices from the populist all-automobile end of the spectrum, there is opposition from the other end as well, with elements of the far left opposing the tram because it is supposedly a trojan horse designed to permit rebuilding of the parallel Pfingstweidstrasse (which is part of the same project). In this respect, it is fortunate that the yes campaign is also well under way. Its website is Although it is true that road capacity will increase slightly as a result of the tram project, in my opinion it is rather short sighted to oppose it on this basis. This road will also become more urbanised, better fitting into its changing surroundings. Additionally thousands of new appartments and jobs are being created along this already overloaded corridor — expecting all these people to use the tram all the time is rather utopic.

Search news archive for Tram Zürich West.

The same day (17th June) will also seen public transport referenda in Basel (trolleybus) and Canton Bern (Tram Bern West).

Update: (1st June) The author of this website has written a letter of protest to Umverkehr, one of the organisations opposing Tram Zürich West, withdrawing his membership and support of that organisation.

This news item is from the 2007 newslog.

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