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Bern: Tram Museum and other news

filed on: 21.09.2007 (21st Sep 2007)

trams old and new in bern Bern's new tram museum is officially opening tomorrow (22nd September). The museum is located in Weissenbühl depot. A museum tram will operate from Hauptbahnhof starting at 10:30.

(This website reported on the museum's opening last year, however this was only a preliminary viewing prior to completion).

Further Bern news in brief: Bernmobil is to build a new depot at Bolligerstr for opening in 2010. This will replace Burgernziel depot.

RBS tram in bernConcerning Bernmobil's rolling stock acquisition, June's invitaion to tender apparently includes an option for 16 further vehicles and the possibility to return nine existing vehicles as part of the deal. Possibly this exchange is planned with the line to Worb in mind. This line is currently operated by RBS as line G, but Bernmobil wishes to take the line over and integrate it into the urban system (extending it beyond its current Zytglogge terminus). It may be that, rather than running the line with a mix of ex-RBS and its own rolling stock, that Bernmobil is seeking to minimize the tram types it operates. The line is currently worked by three-section trams derived from Zürich's Tram 2000. RBS was previously considering adding low-floor sections to these, but it may be that new trams represent better value for money.

source: Bahnhofplatz

Update (23rd September). The website of Bern's tram museum is The next opening days are yet to be announced. Pictures I took at the museum (and elsewhere) yesterday can be viewed on this page (and the following) of the photo gallery.

This news item is from the 2007 newslog.

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