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Bombardier invests in Zürich

filed on: 22.11.2007 (22nd Nov 2007)

Bombardier has announced that it is relocating its traction converter testing and manufacturing facilities from Turgi (near Baden in the canton of Aargau) to Zürich Oerlikon. The reason for the move is that the premises Bombardier are currently renting from ABB in Turgi are required to accomodate ABB's expanding activities at this site. 110 jobs will be relocated. Bombardier already employs 370 people in Oerlikon in its engineering and service sectors. The new facilities will open in late 2008 and will be located in part of the Tramont building.

source: NZZ

Website comment: The Tramont (Traktions Montage) assembly shop was the pride of the old ABB Transportation, with among others SBB's Re450 and Re460 locomotives having been commissioned there in the 1990s. Tramont is just across the road from the site where MFO (Maschinenfabrik Oerlikon) had manufactured railway traction equipment since the late 19th Century. Among their most iconic products were SBB's crocodile locomotives. ADtranz finally closed the Tramont shop between 1999 and 2001, with only the service and engineering departments remaining and finally being taken over by Bombardier. For this historic facility, the tide is finally turning!

Bombardier is supplying the Cobra trams to Zürich.

This news item is from the 2007 newslog.

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