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A gourmet's guide to tram cities

filed on: 23.05.2007 (23rd May 2007)

As part of the 125th anniversary celebrations of Zürich trams, restaurant tram 1802 will be presenting specialities from tram cities around the world. From 1st June to 31st August, the tram will be operating from Wednesdays to Saturdays, leaving Bellevue at 11:45, 13:00, 18:00 and 20:15. The two midday trips take an hour and costs 35 Franks (two-course meal), the evening trips take two hours and cost 89 Franks (three-course meal). Drinks are charged extra. As always, reservation is strongly recommended: +(41)44 434 44 34.

The cities presented will be Valencia (from 1st June), San Francisco (from 4th July) and Rome (from 1st August). The tram will not operate during Züri-Fäscht (6-8 July) or Street Parade (11th August).

Weather permitting, the open "beer garden" trailer (1971) will be attached to this tram.

source: VBZ

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