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VBG finds its colours

filed on: 25.10.2007 (25th Oct 2007)

Cobra for GlattalbahnIn a press release issued today, VBG presents its new corporate identity. The trams and buses under VBG management will be painted white with a blue band. To match the Glattalbahn brand, VBG's bus system is being rebranded Glattalbus. The website has been redesigned and a new logo introduced.

The new identity was officially presented on 18th November. It was also revealed that construction work on the third phase (Auzelg — Wallisellen — Bhf. Stettbach) will begin in Summer 2008.

source: VBG

early impression of Glattalbahn Website comment: What may appear like the normal periodic redesign of a corporate identity, actually has a longer story to it. Observant readers of this website and other literature dealing with Stadtbahn Glattal may have noticed the futuristic-looking silver-white trams (an early version of which is shown on the right) that VBG has long used in artist's impressions of the new line and other material. These did not purely reflect the creativity of VBG's graphic design agency, but mirrorred VBG's desire to create a distinct corporate identity. Attempts to implement this met with opposition from VBZ who, because such trams would also run through onto the city network, saw its own corpoarte identity threatened. A compromise has now been found that uses Zürich's colours but nevertheless produces a distinct image.

VBZ meets VBG Repainting of the buses will begin immediately (a first bus was presented at the ceremony) and be completed by Summer 2008. The 17 trams will not have to be repainted as these will be delivered new in this livery.

The photo on the left, taken on a September evening at Glattpark, shows a VBZ Cobra on route 11 meet VBG's concept tram apologizing for the inconvenience caused by the construction of the iarport line. Now the two vehicles are set to fuse.

VBG is the managment company resposnible for bus routes in the Glattal area and also Glattalbahn. VBG does not own vehicles or directly operate services, but contracts its bus routes out to private franchise holders. The first phase of Glattalbahn (which opened last December) is operated by VBZ as an extension of city route 11.

This news item is from the 2007 newslog.

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