Limmattalbahn into central Zürich?
filed on: 12.06.2013 (12th Jun 2013)
Various politicians have proposed that the planned Limmattalbahn tramway (which will extend from Zürich Altstetten westwards out of the city proper and along the Limmat valley to Killwangen) be extended at its Zürich end from its present proposed terminus at Bahnhof Altstetten to Hardplatz (for the trams to thence presumably run to a to-be-defined terminus in central Zürich using existing tram tracks). Such through running has a precedent in tram line 10 running through from Glattalbahn to Zürich HB despite the same journey being possible by S-Bahn in a much shorter time. On the one hand passengers prefer journeys not involving a change, and on the other, the tram is still unbeatable for journeys to intermediate points (similarly the present trolleybus 31, which would largely be replaced by an extended Limmattalbahn is extremely well patronised despite running parallel to the much faster S-Bahn, with quite a lot of passengers using it for longer trips rather than just to get to the next S-Bahn station).
In the same motion, the clarification of whether city tram services can be extended to Schlieren on the tracks of Limmatalbahn is being required. Again, the loss of trolleybus 31 without an immediate and direct tram replacement would induce an extra change on what is a well patronised route.
The motion has been accepted by the cantonal parliament with 112 votes to 57. The administration must now study the proposals.
source: and 20 Minuten
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