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Future trolleybus fleet

filed on: 13.08.2013 (13th Aug 2013)

This newslog has already discussed the future deployment of the trolleybus fleet, especially in regard to the new vehicles not being numerically sufficient to replace the current fleet one to one (see posts of October and June). Trolleymotion now sheds some further light on this. Concerning the purchase of two additional double-articulated units, the order placed in 2011 included an option for 10 further Lightram3s, of which these are part. Currently three services on route 31 are scheduled to be worked by single-articulated diesel buses. The new trolleybuses should permit both routes 31 and 32 to be fully electrically worked under normal conditions.

As for the single-articulated trolleybus routes (33, 34, 46, 72 and the future relief route 71), the exchange of terminii between routes 33 and 72 as well as the all-day 7.5 minute headway will permit changes as follows: Route 33 will require 12 vehicles (presently 18) and the 72, 10 vehicles (presently 8). The proposed relief route 71 between Rosengartenstrasse and Albisriederplatz will require three units. The three routes will thus jointly require 25 trolleybuses, down from the present 26 (note, the above numbers do not fully match those here). With the 46 and 34 continuing to require nine and four respectively, the total requirement for single-articulated trolleybuses in service will be 38. Once all the O405 GTzs are replaced, only 39 single-articulted trolleybuses will be available, leaving insufficient units to cover the maintenance reserve. To bridge the gap until the opening of Tram Hardbrücke (which will presumably permit route 71 to be discontinued), a yet to be determined number of O405 GTZs will be retained to cover as spares.

Since April, the following GTZs have been withdrawn: 102, 110, 111, 112, 118, 123 and 127. 102 is set aside for preservation by an unidentified party. 15 trolleybuses of this type remain in service.

This news item is from the 2013 newslog.

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