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Bern steam tram model

filed on: 17.05.2013 (17th May 2013)

atlas model bern steam tram The publisher, Atlas Verlag, is offering this HO scale model of Bern's steam tram for the suspiciosly low price of 6.90 CHF. A careful reading of the small print is recommended before signing up for more than you were expecting, as it appears to be an introductory offer for a bigger selling scheme. However, in the modelling forums, the model has received surprisingly positive echoes. The offer can be found on this page of Atlas' website.

I am not in any way connected to Atlas Verlag or anybody else involved in this offer. As indicated, I recommend a careful reading of the small print.

Discussions of the model (with further pictures) can be found on HAG Forum and Jans Modellstrassenbahnen.

This news item is from the 2013 newslog.

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