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Polybahn car in Landquart

filed on: 17.09.2013 (17th Sep 2013)

Polybahn This website previously reported that the last surviving car of the original Polybahn funicular (in service 1889-1996) had left its previous resting place on the forecourt of the tram museum workshop at Wartau and departed for a destination unknown. It has since been sighted outside the RhB workshops at Landquart, where apparently the feasibility of repairs is being evaluated. It is not presently clear who is behind the move or what is planned for this car.


Polybahn The pictures accompanying this news item were taken during the final days and dismantling of the original Polybahn in 1996. One of the two cars was saved and first displayed outside the Giesserei restaurant in Oerlikon and then later tranferred to CEVI Pfäffikon before being returned to Zürich in 2009.

This news item is from the 2013 newslog.

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