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Trams for Winterthur?

filed on: 20.09.2013 (20th Sep 2013)

Winterthur tram mockup A study by a professor and students at the Winterthur university ZHAW has explored bringing tram back to the town.

The 17km, three-line system would require 19 trams. Each line would run at 15 minute headway, with these combining to a 7.5 minute service on the common sections.

Winterthur tram map It is however, unlikely that Winterthur will have a tram before 2030. The study did not look into costs but these could reach around 800 million Francs.

Winterthur had trams from 1898 until 1951. Pland to re-introduce the mode have re-surfaced over the years, either as an urban system (earlier proposal here) or a regional tram-train. Despite the potential realisation being many years away, Prof Häfliger wants the city planners to take notice and consider a future tram in present planning projects.

source: Der Landbote

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