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Footage of The Bourne Identity trams

filed on: 24.01.2013 (24th Jan 2013)

Part of the storyline of the 2002 movie, The Bourne Identity, plays in Zürich, only the Zürich of the movie wasn't Zürich but Prague (apparently Hollywood decided that Zürich didn't look enough like Zürich – or maybe it was just too expensive). Tram enthusiasts who watched the movie will not have missed the cameo appearance by some Zürich trams. These were actually Tatra T3s repainted into VBZ livery. Some rare (non movie) footage of these units has appeared on YouTube. Note the mis-spalling of O[e]rlikon. I guess these Tatras were supposed to resemble Karpfen units, with both fleet numbers and routes being correct for the period.

This news item is from the 2013 newslog.

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