Limmattalbahn approval moves to federal level
filed on: 25.09.2013 (25th Sep 2013)
With the cantons of both Zürich and Aargau having approved the Limmattalbahn project, the application has been forwarded to the federal transport department.
The proposed tram / light-rail corridor will link Zürich's western neighbourhoods (Altstetten) to Killwangen via Schlieren, Urdorf, Dietikon and Spreitenbach broadly following the valley of the Limmat river.
The route crosses the cantonal border into Aargau, from where an increasing number of people are commuting into Zürich.
If all goes to plan, construction will begin in 2017 with an initial phase opening in 2019. The project will cost 715 million Francs.
The line will be 13.4 km long and have 27 stops. 92 percent of the alignment wil be off-street, minimizing conflicts with other traffic. The project will also see many accompanying measures such as improvements to urban streetscapes and cycle paths, adding value to the corridor.
The mockup pictures accompanying this newsitem depict (from top to bottom), Furttalstrasse in Spreitenbach, the outer terminus at Killwangen Bahnhof (this is Killwangen Spreitenbach station, which may be known to railway enthusiasts due to its proximity to the Limmattal marshalling yard), Urdorf and finally Dietikon Bahnhof. The latter picture is of special interest as it shows the tracks of Limmattalbahn (from far left) merging with those of the BDWM narrow-gauge railway (from the mid left) for their joint section through Dietikon (pictures can be enlarged through clicking).

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