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Trams and trolleybuses in adverts

filed on: 27.03.2013 (27th Mar 2013)

The appearance of Zürich's trams and trolleybuses in adverts for all sorts of products and services happens so frequently that it isn't usually worthy of much mention. But I recently observed two that maybe merited a bit more.

Allow me to start with this sympathetic trolley-minibus, which is of course a nudge to VBZ's pride about its super-length double-articulated trolleybus, but also a retort to automobile makers latest craze about electric mobility – something that public transport does much better and has been doing for far longer (but would automobile makers ever acknowledge that?).
Mini trolleybus VBZ advert

Yet somehow I wouldn't mind having this toy-like almost cuddly vehicle for real. Maybe not on the 31 to Schlieren Zentrum but on one of VBZ's minibus routes maybe?

Another advert that made me smile is this charming view of a Cobra tram in a cardboard cut-out world crossing Münsterbrücke (which appears to have lakewards to become Quaibrücke). The scene is from a video advertising Zürichcard, an offer for tourists (and residents) combining free travel in the city with free entrance to musea and various other interesting offers. The movie was made by Ultra, and can be viewed on their website here. Stills from the movie are also used as posters. For more information on Zürichcard, visit the Zürichcard website.
Tram on Muensterbruecke

Incidentally, the Münsterbrücke did carry trams for a while, first horse trams and later an electric line, but the link was dismantled in the 1920s. The movie also has other scenes with trams in similarly composite locations, where you think you know the precise spot until you take a closer look.
Tram and shopping in Zuerich

(clicking on the movie stills take you to the movie on the Ultra website)

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