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Basel: days of classic trams are numbered filed on: 28.02.2013 (28th Feb 2013)
Besides the elimination of the Swiss Standard Trams (457-476) of 1968-1968, the articulated units 659-686 will also go (these were fitted with rather unsuccessful and unaestheitical low-floor middle sections in 1997-1999). Apparently Sofia is interested in acquiring these. The Cornichons 477-502 will probably be retained as reserve units, as will some trailers. 462 has become the first of its batch to be withdrawn, following a fire. Furthermore, it appears that a pair of Duewags can be retained as museum set. During the debate preceding the 2008 closure of Basel's trolleybus, it was argued that the new gas buses were just as clean and quiet as the trolleybuses they were prematurely replacing. Making a quiet U-turn on its earlier intentions of having an all gas-bus fleet, it appears BVB is once again seeking to acquire diesel buses. So much for referendum promises. In the meantime, with sufficient Tango trams available, BLT is proceeding with reverting some of its Be4/8 (of the 201 to 266 series) to Be4/6 by removing the low-floor sections so they can take on the duties of the older (and shorter) Be4/6 units. BLT is also apparently now considering acquiring Bombardier Flexities rather than further tangos. source: Tram magazine (issue 113, 02-04.2013)
This news item is from the 2013 newslog.
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