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Burgwies tram museum appeal launched filed on: 01.04.2004 (1st Apr 2004)
The appeal is coordinated by the pi.ar agency, which also collected money for the restoration of the lake steamers. The launch of the appeal was timed to coincide with the redesign of the TMZ website: www.tram-museum.ch. This presents a very professional image and places the Burgwies project more at the centre of activities than was previosuly the case. The website also explains how to donate money and features a barometer showing the sum raised to date. Sadly, the archives of the old website with their mass of historic information and photographs are no longer accessible, but it has been promised that this will be corrected. Equally, the website suggests that an English and French langauge version is in the pipeline. The website of pi.ar is www.piar.ch. It is interesting to look at some of the other customers served by the agency. There is not yet any mention of TMZ. The picture accompanying this news item is an impression of how the museum could look. Tracks 1 and 2 are used as a joint entrance area with the Migros supermarket (in the adjoining shed). Above the entrance will be a mezzanine floor with a viewing gallery and area for exhibitions or a model railway. The lower level will also include the museum shop, toilets, and a kitchen. Tracks 3 to 6 are for the museum collection. The picture was created by www.businessimages.ch.
This news item is from the 2004 newslog.
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