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index of news items for year 2005

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98: 14.12.2005 - Website update: Zürich, a city and its trams

97: 12.12.2005 - Timetable switch

96: 02.12.2005 - Sänfte deliveries complete

95: 02.12.2005 - New S-Bahn train presented

94: 01.12.2005 - 30% more passengers on night lines

93: 30.11.2005 - E-tram: Cargotram goes electronic

92: 29.11.2005 - Zürich trolleybus numbering

91: 28.11.2005 - Cargotram for Amsterdam?

90: 28.11.2005 - Narrow gauge by Bombardier?

89: 24.11.2005 - Basel: Adios Combino (for a while)

88: 24.11.2005 - Industry lethargic on Basel tram order

87: 17.11.2005 - Last days for London's Routemaster

86: 15.11.2005 - Fondue tram

85: 14.11.2005 - Two years of news

84: 10.11.2005 - Antananarivo tram in need of money

83: 08.11.2005 - Zürich leads in public transport usage

82: 08.11.2005 - Glattal progress

81: 01.11.2005 - TMZ end of year tour on Forchbahn

80: 31.10.2005 - 2115 is Sänfte number 22

79: 25.10.2005 - Chocolate tram

78: 24.10.2005 - Double-articulated trolleybus update

77: 12.10.2005 - Tram returns to Locarno (but only for a day)

76: 06.10.2005 - Forchbahn in Madagascar – and other news

75: 29.09.2005 - Aerial cable car Stettbach – Zoo delayed

74: 29.09.2005 - Basel's public transport strategy

73: 29.09.2005 - Stadtbahn Glattal in Wallisellen

72: 28.09.2005 - 2106 is Sänfte number 21

71: 20.09.2005 - "In town without my car" and my mail by tram

70: 20.09.2005 - Cargo tram in Den Haag?

69: 20.09.2005 - Basel: Wiesenplatz depot to be rebuilt

68: 15.09.2005 - Steam tram for Saas Fee?

67: 09.09.2005 - Burgwies museum: work begins

66: 08.09.2005 - News from Stadtbahn Glattal

65: 01.09.2005 - 2099 is Sänfte number 20

64: 01.09.2005 - Museum trams on Museum Night

63: 30.08.2005 - Glattal construction progress

62: 30.08.2005 - Stadtbahn Liechtenstein

61: 22.08.2005 - Rolling stock roundup

60: 05.08.2005 - Works tram event on 21st August

59: 04.08.2005 - Sänfte nineteen

58: 02.08.2005 - Thomas Portmann passes away

57: 02.08.2005 - More Forchbahn units leave Switzerland

56: 28.07.2005 - Progress on Tram Zürich West

55: 28.07.2005 - Video surveillance by tram?

54: 28.07.2005 - Winterthur trolleybus tour

53: 21.07.2005 - 33 new trolleybuses

52: 15.07.2005 - Tram accident!

51: 11.07.2005 - Forchbahn models available

50: 02.07.2005 - 2112 is Sänfte number 18

49: 30.06.2005 - New trams for Basel

48: 22.06.2005 - Stadtbahn Glattal: first tracks laid

47: 22.06.2005 - Zürich tram in San Francisco pictures

46: 21.06.2005 - Cargotram: Werdhölzli siding

45: 14.06.2005 - Zürich/Bruxelles streetcar in San Francisco update

44: 08.06.2005 - 2121 is Sänfte number 17

43: 06.06.2005 - 111:0 for Tram Museum

42: 03.06.2005 - Zürich tram in San Francisco update

41: 27.05.2005 - S–Bahn Zürich: 15 years

40: 25.05.2005 - Caliente tram

39: 25.05.2005 - Güterbim — Vienna tests its cargo tram

38: 24.05.2005 - A bearable Summer in Zürich

37: 23.05.2005 - Zürich tram in San Francisco?

36: 23.05.2005 - Zürich tram events diary 2005

35: 13.05.2005 - 2105 is Sänfte number 16

34: 10.05.2005 - Fighting for Basel's trolleybus

33: 04.05.2005 - Cargotram vehicles

32: 26.04.2005 - Zürich in T&UT — part two

31: 26.04.2005 - Sänfte in m.u. operation

30: 19.04.2005 - A peek inside the WINPRO works

29: 12.04.2005 - 15th Sänfte

28: 12.04.2005 - Safer Mirages

27: 07.04.2005 - Read about Zürich in T&UT

26: 06.04.2005 - Future depot and tram route changes

25: 23.03.2005 - Basel: Combino latest

24: 21.03.2005 - News roundup, slightly off-topic

23: 14.03.2005 - Stadtbahn Glattal: green light for second phase

22: 13.03.2005 - Burgwies Tram Museum

21: 13.03.2005 - Museum trams in Spring

20: 11.03.2005 - ZVV night services are profitable and popular!

19: 09.03.2005 - Sänfe 14

18: 01.03.2005 - Read about Zürich in T&UT!

17: 25.02.2005 - A good year for VBZ

16: 25.02.2005 - News roundup

15: 18.02.2005 - Changes planned in Oerlikon

14: 18.02.2005 - New trolleybus in Winterthur

13: 16.02.2005 - Winterthur's new trolleybus is coming!

12: 15.02.2005 - Track layout at Bhf. Enge to expand

11: 15.02.2005 - News roundup

10: 09.02.2005 - New Sänfte!

9: 03.02.2005 - Forchbahn in Valais?

8: 21.01.2005 - Forchbahn makes progress in Madagascar

7: 20.01.2005 - Tram Museum web archive back online (*)

6: 13.01.2005 - First tram reaches Zürich West!

5: 13.01.2005 - First tram reaches Mulhouse! (*)

4: 13.01.2005 - Two further Forchbahn cars leave Zürich

3: 07.01.2005 - Mirage loses spring

2: 03.01.2005 - Halfway there!

1: 02.01.2005 - 2004 news (*)

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(*) some items in this list may not be clickable in this view. To see these, click here and scroll to the date.

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