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Karpfen update

filed on: 15.02.2007 (15th Feb 2007)

Karpfen Oerlikon According to reports on the BahnCH Yahoogroup, the first of the Karpfen type trams destined for Vinnitsa (Ukraine) was loaded onto its railway wagon on 30th January. Possibly, the press report of 13 units being shipped did not include this unit. In this case, with 13 loaded on 8th February, a total of 14 sets have been dispatched. This scenario would end any speculation as to a unit of this type being destined for San Francisco. However, it has also been pointed out that 1420 was stabled on accomodation bogies rather than its own bogies. It is not clear whether this tram has been sent to Vinnitsa or remains in Zürich. In the latter case, all possibilities are still open. Pictures of the units being loaded on 8th February can be found on Adrian Senn's webiste on this (and following) pages.

Karpfen ZW Altstetten As pantographs and roof-mounted resistors had been removed to permit asbestos removal, sister unit 1430 was used to shunt these trams prior to dispatch. The set, 1430 + 785, is currently still seeing use as spare tram for route 10 and is based at Oerlikon depot. The pair will soon be overhauled for the museum fleet.

source: BahnCH Yahoogroup

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