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Route 5 to Sihlcity

filed on: 15.02.2007 (15th Feb 2007)

A new shopping centre, Sihlcity is shortly to open on the site of the former Sihl paper factory. It is intended that 60% of visitors come to the centre by public transport. To this effect, the site is well served by various bus routes, by trolleybus 33, tram 13 and by S-Bahn line S4. Additionally, the number of car parking spaces the center may provide is strictly limited. To further improve the service and add to the choice of direct connections, VBZ had been planning to extend tram route 5 from its present terminus at Bahnhof Enge to Laubegg in December 2008. It has now been announced that this date has been moved forwards to 22 March of this year! The early start has been made possible through financial support from the tenants of the new shopping centre. Very good news indeed!

source: VBZ

See also: Route 5 to Sihlcity coming soon? (19.01.2007)

This news item is from the 2007 newslog.

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