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New tram layout for Stadelhofen

filed on: 26.10.2007 (26th Oct 2007)

Stadelhofen with ForchbahnTo address various inadequacies, the square at Bahnhof Stadelhofen is being redesigned.

As far as trams are concerned, Forchbahn's turning circle will be replaced by a larger double-track oval, with Forchbahn using the inner track and trams the outer track. This means that trams heading for Kreuzplatz (11 and 15) will run on the opposite side of the square to their current itinerary.

A connecting curve to the Seefeld line (routes 2 and 4) will permit trams from Tiefenbrunnen to also use the loop at times when Bellevue is closed. This will permit the current turning triangle in front of the opera-house to be dismantled. As part of a separate project, an underground car park is to be built at this location permitting many on-street parking lots to be removed, but meaning this track feature cannot be retained. In any case, the spur has seen little use in recent years as the difficulties of operating it during major events (normally involving the reversal of trams through dense crowds) has led to bus operation of the Tiefenbrunnen line often being necessary on such occasions. The new layout would put an end to this unpopular practice.

Stadelhofen new tram track layoutThe line from here to Bellevue will also be re-styled, with the current outbound three-track section being reverted to doule-track while the in-bound one is lengthened and fitted with a scissors crossover at the Bellevue end.

The square at Stadelhofen, which dates to the mid 19th Century and is marked by its large mature trees and decorative fountain, will remain essentially unchanged. Despite demands from certain traders, the attractive but old-fashioned soil and grit ground cover will not be replaced by a more moden surface. However, a modern lighting concept is being implemented.

The tram works are planned for the Summer of 2009.

source: Stadt Zürich

life at StadelhofenThe above map (click to enlarge) shows the proposed track layout in blue and the existing in yellow. The opera-house turning wye is just visible on the left. To see the line to Bellevue and the project in the context of its broader area (but without the current layout, and rotated clockwise by 90 degrees in relation to the above map), see this overview map.

This generous approach to track layout design (also seen in the recent upgrade of the layout at Bahnhof Enge) is in refreshing contrast to the attitude prevalent on mainline railways, but also on many tramways, of rationalising track layouts to the bare minimum required for functionality under normal conditions — rendering them too inflexible to deal with extraordinary situations or the potential growth or changing needs of the future.

This news item is from the 2007 newslog.

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