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Glattal progress

filed on: 07.02.2008 (7th Feb 2008)

Glattalbahn viaduct at Balsberg This website has not reported on progress on the construction of phase 2 of Stadtbahn Glattal since September. With the opening now less than ten months away, the last elements are beginning to fall into place. Track is now complete from the junction to phase 1 at Glattpark as far as the mouth of the subway at Lindbergh-Platz, but has still to be ballasted. Landscaping along this section is also making rapid progress (as indeed is construction of buildings on the adjoining land). The tunnel itself does not have any track as far as I could see. Glattal dankeTrack starts again at the other end (Bahnhof Glattbrugg) however and stops a short way before Unterriet. Further track is being layed in the airport area. The airport viaduct appears to be structurally complete, with the interchange at Balsberg also rapidly taking shape. No overhead masts have been placed yet as far as I could see at any point of the route, but their foundations appear to be ready throughout.

View a gallery of the latest photos (5th February)
or previous and present photos sorted by location:
Bhf. Oerlikon (junction with city tram system, no new pictures)
Leutschenbach (joins phase one line)
Glattpark (leaves phase one)
TMC (no new photos)
Bahnhof Glattbrugg

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