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index of news items for year 2019

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57: 19.12.2019 - WSB / AVA update

56: 17.12.2019 - Tram museum update

55: 16.12.2019 - Preparing electrification of routes 69 and 80

54: 16.12.2019 - Léman Express opens

53: 16.12.2019 - Limmattalbahn to Fislisbach

52: 12.12.2019 - Bernmobil signs contract for Stadler Tramlink

51: 10.12.2019 - Glattalbahn to Kloten

50: 10.12.2019 - End of line for RBS Mandarinli

49: 10.12.2019 - Correction on SZU Be 570

48: 19.11.2019 - Flexity again

47: 19.11.2019 - Stadler Limmattalbahn tram order signed

46: 18.11.2019 - The Flexity story

45: 18.11.2019 - Second Flexity order to be confirmed next year

44: 18.11.2019 - SBB and ÖBB to deepen cooperation on night trains

43: 15.11.2019 - Second Flexity order?

42: 15.11.2019 - More about Flexity

41: 14.11.2019 - Flexity gets welcome in press

40: 14.11.2019 - First Neuchâtel GTW in service

39: 14.11.2019 - More on tram route changes

38: 13.11.2019 - Flexity touches down in Zürich

37: 12.11.2019 - Flexity spotted in Weil

36: 12.11.2019 - Retrobus collection under threat

35: 12.11.2019 - Nightjet network expands

34: 11.11.2019 - Photo update Alicante

33: 08.11.2019 - First Flexity tram to be delivered on 15th November

32: 08.11.2019 - More on new Uetliberg trains

31: 07.11.2019 - VBZ reacts to rolling stock shortage

30: 07.11.2019 - Stadler awarded order for new trains for Uetliberg line

29: 18.10.2019 - Farewell to old trains in Neuchâtel

28: 09.10.2019 - Swisstrolleyplus in Arnhem

27: 09.10.2019 - Photo update, various

26: 01.09.2019 - Photo update: Limmattalbahn opening

25: 21.08.2019 - Limmattalbahn opening, and second phase launched

24: 15.08.2019 - Photo update, Mirage and more

23: 22.07.2019 - 90 times to the moon and back

22: 17.07.2019 - Limmattalbahn and Farbhof update

21: 25.06.2019 - Limmattalbahn photos

20: 24.06.2019 - New AVA trains

19: 24.06.2019 - Photo update — Brienz Rothorn Bahn

18: 19.06.2019 - Pyongyang pictures

17: 18.06.2019 - Restore WSB Saloon car

16: 18.06.2019 - Geissbock tram back in Zürich

15: 17.06.2019 - Limmattalbahn opening

14: 17.06.2019 - New funicular at Zürich airport

13: 17.06.2019 - SZU on rare track

12: 07.06.2019 - Basel St Louis: Services suspended over antisocial behaviour

11: 04.06.2019 - Peckham cantilever truck number 8

10: 31.05.2019 - Facebook find: Peckham cantilever truck

9: 31.05.2019 - SBB considers bringing back night trains

8: 30.05.2019 - Trolleybus pics

7: 12.04.2019 - Ex-Trogenerbahn trams in Neuchatel

6: 28.03.2019 - Geissbock returns to Zürich

5: 28.03.2019 - Cobra trams in trouble again

4: 21.02.2019 - Mirage back in service soon

3: 25.01.2019 - VBZ web article on history of Tram Affoltern

2: 25.01.2019 - Internet find, Altdorf tram

1: 25.01.2019 - 2018 news

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