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Winning against vandalism and fare evasion

filed on: 03.02.2006 (3rd Feb 2006)

Since May 2005, 18 buses have been experimentally equipped with surveillance cameras. As a result, practically no instances of vandalism have occured on these buses. Besides equipping further buses, VBZ will similarly equip its Cobra trams. Vandalism to VBZ vehicles costs 1.5 million Franks in repairs every year.

Thanks to tougher enforcement and penalties, progress is also being made against fare evasion. Of the 3.13 million people challenged in 2005, only 36,013 failed to produce a valid ticket (1.15%). The figure was 1.39% and 2.7% in 2004 and 2003 respectively.

source: 20 Minuten (26.01.06 and 03.02.06)

See also: Video surveillance by tram? (28.07.2005)

This news item is from the 2006 newslog.

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