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Lausanne: Old and new on La Ficelle

filed on: 03.03.2006 (3rd Mar 2006)

Lausanne Ficelle H 2/2 locomotive 122 Yesterday (2nd March) the last cog locomotive in Lausanne ran under its own power for the last time. Since closure on 22nd January, these locomotves have been employed on track dismanting trains. The last 15m at Ouchy were lifted in the morning with power being switched off at 13:30. On the same day, locomotive He2/2 122 was removed by lorry to join it's sisters at EFSA Châtillens where they are stored pending possible re-use in Villard de Lans. On the same day, the first rubber-tyred metro set was delivered, so symbolically securing the continuity of La Ficelle.

source: BahnCH

See also:
Lausanne's Ficelle in the French Alps? (26.01.2006)
Lausanne: Last days for La Ficelle (18.01.2006)
Search news archive for Lausanne
Lauanne Ficelle pictures

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