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Antananarivo tram arrives in port

filed on: 09.03.2006 (9th Mar 2006)

A report in dated 7th March reports that the 11 vehicles of the second shipment earmarked for use on an urban light-rail service in Antananarivo (Madagascar) had arrived at the port of Toamasina five days previously. They must still be hauled to Antananarivo to join the four vehicles which arrived last year. Readers are reminded that this equipment was donated by various Swiss narrow gauge railways including Zürich's Forchbahn (which provided BDe4/4 11-6 and Bt 101-6). These will be modified through the fitting of diesel generators. The initial section to open will be Alarobia-Ankaraobato, with an opening date planned for July. Private investors are being sought to help finance the necessary work and operate the service.


Search news archive for Antananarivo, Madagascar, Forchbahn

Website comment: There appears to be real commitment behind this project, which promises to make a substantial contribution at very low cost. The imaginative re-use of old equipment as illustrated here is something operators all over the world should be taking more seriously. For this tram there is still a long way to go, but things are heading in the right direction. Well done Antananarivo!

This news item is from the 2006 newslog.

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