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No trams for Lörrach?

filed on: 23.02.2006 (23rd Feb 2006)

The town council of Lörrach (in southern Germany) has rejected plans for a cross-border tram extension from Basel.

source: Tram Forum Basel

Webiste comment: The explanation offered, that a tram would compete with the S-Bahn is questionable. With its longer headways and longer distance between stations, the S-Bahn operates in a different niche than the tram. Rather, S-Bahns perform best when supported by feeder services.

Lörrach had through trams from Basel from 1926 to 1938. Tram operations resumed in 1947, but only as a shuttle service within Lörrach. This ceased in 1967.

See also: Basel's public transport strategy (29.09.2005)

This news item is from the 2006 newslog.

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