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Freiburg: Vauban line opening

filed on: 27.04.2006 (27th Apr 2006)

Freiburg Bertoldsbrunnen This Saturday (29th April) will see the opening of a new tram line in Freiburg (Breisgau). The 2.5km line serves Vauban, a neighbourhood that is currently being developed on a former French military base (hence its name).

A tram cavalcade carrying guests of honour will arrive at Vauban terminus at circa 11:15, following which speeches will be held. Public rides will begin at 12:00 — with both modern and historic trams operating. Rides on the entire VAG tram and bus network will be free of charge all day.

Best wishes to Freiburg for the new line!

source: Freunde der Freiburger Straßenbahn

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