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WSB/AAR news

filed on: 14.01.2008 (14th Jan 2008)

The last goods traffic on WSB's Oberentfelden to Shöftland line will cease at the end of this year, with the last customer, a Shöftland flour mill, switching to road haulage following a change in ownership. The exchange sidings at Oberentfelden will be dismantled. The only remaining goods traffic on WSB will be the Suhr to Reinach/Menziken service.

Be4/4 12, Te2/2 47, X206 and X211 have been scrapped. All of these vehicles have been out of use for some time now. The Te2/2 is one of the shunting locomotives rebuilt from ex Zürich "Bertschinger"-type trams (of which Ce2/2 176, 1208 and AGB Ce2/2 2 are surviving examples in Zürich and Xe2/2 1905 is a rebuild). 49 is now the only vehicle of this type to remain on WSB. The Be4/4 may well be followed by other older Be4/4's in the coming months.

source: Bahnforum Schweiz

WSB is a narrow gauge railway from Aarau to Menziken and Schöftland. It mainly carries commuter traffic.

This news item is from the 2008 newslog.

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