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Lightram deliveries complete

filed on: 12.12.2012 (12th Dec 2012)

Delivery of the Hess LighTram3 trolleybuses 78-89 is complete, permitting headways on route 32 to be stretched to six minutes with the timetable switch of 8th December. In total 29 double-articulated trolleybuses are now available (61-89) – the first batch of 17 having been delivered in 2007-2008.

The first of the 21 new single-articulated Hess Swisstrolley4 units is expected before Christmas. It will be numbered 162 following on from Swisstrolley3 144-161. Mercedes/ABB O405 GTZ units withdrawn so far include 101, 103, 107, 117, 134 and 139. Previous reports of 102's withdrawal were somewhat premature.

source: trolley:motion

The same news site also presents images of the first Swisstrolley4 for Limoges, which is fitted with a "tram-like" front end. The Zürich examples, in contrast, will look much like their Swisstrolley3 predecessors. The Limoges images can be seen here (trolley:motion website).

This news item is from the 2012 newslog.

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