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Ex-MThB driving trailers for SZU

filed on: 25.07.2012 (25th Jul 2012)

SZU is aquiring two NPZ ex-MThB driving trailers (built 1994) for the Sihltal service. They will replace Bt 971-973 of 1976, which are reported to be in poor condition due to corrosion. The vehicles in question are:

SBB Bt 50 85 29-35 971-5 (ex. MThB Bt 50 48 29-33 211)
SBB Bt 50 85 29-35 972-3 (ex. MThB Bt 50 48 29-33 212)

They will enter service in 2013.


This news item is from the 2012 newslog.

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