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Future of Zürich's trolleybus fleet

filed on: 12.03.2013 (12th Mar 2013)

This webiste has already pointed out that once the new Swisstrolley4s and Lighttrams are all available, that they will notz be sufficient numerically to replace the O405s 1 to 1. In an earlier posting on this matter, based on discussions on the forum, the difference was on the one hand explained by stretching of headways due to larger buses on route 32, and on the other by the increased use of diesels as spares vehicles for trolleybus routes, justified by the universal deployment of said spare vehicles.

An article on trolleymotion has a slightly different interpretation of this, with expansion of the tram system partially replacing trolleybuses. The article mentions Limmattalbahn, which would see route 31 truncated at Bahnhof Altstetten, and also the tram on Hardbrücke. In the case of Hardbrücke, it is difficult to follow this as although the new tram will parallel the present trolleybus routes 33 and 72 for a distance of four stops, are more long-distance orbital routes and would be likely to survive the opening of this tram. The Rosengarten tram project, which could indeed replace much of route 72, seems to be slipping to a more distant future, maybe beyond the lifespan of much of the present trolleybus fleet, making a proactive fleet reduction an unlikely explanation. For Limmatalbahn, the explanation is indeed credible.

The article also says the electrification of routes 69 and 80 is still a possibility.

This news item is from the 2013 newslog.

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