![]() you are in: tram -> zurich -> news Newslog 2013 latest news | archive | news search This page presents news and other items of interest concerning the Zürich tram system and connected topics. This is not the official information page of any organisation. All opinions expressed here are my own or belong to those to whom they are attributed. Whereas care is taken to ensure the correctness of news, no claim is made to total accuracy. Visitors are informed that many links from this page are to external sites. Such links are provided for informational purposes only. The author of this site explicitly declines responsibility for the content of external web pages. latest news | older newslogs | articles. return to Zürich tram home page. 2013 news: 19.12.2013 - Blonay Chamby hit by fire A fire broke out in the depot of the Blonay Chamby heritage railway on 15th December. One goods wagon was completely destroyed and the steepleback locomotive GFM 75 suffered some damage. The parts store was largely gutted with enormous loss of spare parts. Lesser damage also occurred to other vehicles. For more information (and support - this unique heritage line can use it) please see this page of the BC site (in French). 18.12.2013 - Are high speed trains killing the railway network?
I don't necessarily concur with all arguments and conclusions made, but the article does make some points of note.
17.12.2013 - Zürich's post office railway
See also my short 2007 contribution on another little know underground narrow gauge line, the EWZ railway.
VBZ's 2014 timetable, which takes effect this Sunday (15th December) features several service improvements. Most have already been discussed on this newslog, but here in summary: 13.12.2013 - 2014 international timetable
Furthermore, the Strasbourg to Portbou SNCF night train is also vanishing. All this is justified by the inauguration of direct TGV trains between Barcelona and Paris. No doubt a great step forward for users of that particular route. But at 6 1/2 hours, this is no yet a hop between the cities that will take a huge bite out of airline traffic share, and discontinuing everything that is vaguely parallel is making many connections unnecessarily longer and more torturous. Why not let these servives continue in parallel for a while so the passengers can decide and show what they prefer? What made this discontinuation all the more tragic was that it was largely acheived by stealth, with Elipsos saying until very late that 2014 timetables were not yet available. More great international trains that will be missed. For those determined to still go South by train (a daytime connection to many destinations is still not possible, despite promises of high-speed rail brining Europe together), there are still various domestic French night trains, mostly from Paris (but one from Strasbourg to Avignon and on to Marseille) and some Spanish domestic night trains going South from Barcelona, taht with some clever combination of detours can make for interesting (and doable) travel itineraries. The above photograph, a Talgo train in France, will in two days time be history. This is the Mare Nostrum entering Perpignan, taken only 6 weeks ago. 13.12.2013 - Hess trolleybus models The manufacturer Navemo has long been a good source of HO/HOm scale models of Swiss trams. The manufacturer is now adding trolleybus models by offering Hess's Swisstrolley in both the Zürich and Winterthur variants.
Note that this is not just the same model in two livery variants. The Winterthur version sports that city's signature white hubcaps for example. 13.12.2013 - New Winterthur trolleybus
13.12.2013 - Trolleybus on route 69 by 2016? This newslog has already reported on the nocturnal testing of a double-articulated trolleybus on routes 69 and 80 (well, I didn't mention the 69). A report on this published in the NZZ newspaper on 29th November (and cited on bahnhofplatz.net, states that some adaptations to stops will be required, but nothing major. Gsteigstrasse in Hönng, says the article, is the steepest gradient on VBZ (I guess not counting funiculars). The article also says that electric operation of route 69 is slated for December 2016. There are however presently no plans to use double articulated buses on this route, although they would be used on the 80 for which no electrification date is offered. This is the first I hear of any date for electrification. If it is correct, this is good news indeed. News items so far have emanated some optimism but with baited breath, largely due to lack of commitment from the canton. 13.12.2013 - Altstetten tram plans to get a re-think In conjunction with the construction of Limmattalbahn, the city had proposed to re-route tram 2 from its present alignment on Badenerstrasse to share tracks with the proposed Limmattalbahn and so serve the forecourt of Altstetten station directly. The proposed abandonment of the Badenerstrasse section (with the Bachmattstrasse stop) has led to concerns from local residents and traders who fear loss of service and infrastructure in the centre of their neighbourhood. 600 signatures were collected and the city has promised to reconsider its plans. 13.12.2013 - TOSA Genève, not a trolleybus replacement? From rumours that I have heard, TPG is not planning to use the TOSA battery bus to replace a trolleybus route, but is instead looking at another deployment. Let us hope that common sense is genuinely prevailing. 29.11.2013 - Wollishofen depot renovated
26.11.2013 - Pedaler photo tour
26.11.2013 - Museum miscellanea
Also discussed is the Polybahn funicular car, last reported in Landquart. It is still owned by TMZ and its visit to Landquart was to determine costs of restoration. These have proved to be too high to permit immediate action. The car remains in safe storage and restoration is a long-term goal. The RhB workshops in Landquart are also preparing a quote for the restoration of ZOS car 81 (which spent its final years as VBZ 1025). Being of the Schnellläufer type, several sister cars remain in Zürich (TMZ's 2 as well as VBZ/APS 1009 and 1019). In contrast to these other survivors, 1025 was orginally built for the private company ZOS (Zürich Oerlikon Seebach). The goal of the restoration is thus to present it in its original guise as ZOS 81 in the company's two-tone green livery (as also displayed on ZOS 1). Another piece of trivia: The car initially had multiple-unit gear permiting a motor unit to be attached to either end of a string of trailers. Being the sole survivor of its batch, reinstatement of this gear is not an option (and apparently it never worked too well anyway), but I understand cosmetic provision is being considered. The above photograph shows two ZOS motor units of this type sandwiching four trailers at Bahnhof Oerlikon. 26.11.2013 - Dwindling O405 GTZ fleet
22.11.2013 - Trolleybus tested on route 80 Route 80 has been one of the success stories of VBZ's bus department. Originally operated with standard sized buses, these were superceded by articulated buses as the Neoplans were delivered. But demand has continued to grow. The route acts as partial ring, linking significant neighbourhoods such as Oerlikon, Altstetten and Triemli while saving passengers the detour via the city centre. Climbing over several hills, and not devoid of steep, sinuous and challenging sections, trolleybus conversion has been on VBZ's wish list for some time. Sadly, the canton has not shared this enthusiasm and preferred to defer the project to a long-term horizon. VBZ remains deterred however, as shown by recent trials of a double articulated trolleybus (running on battery power and without passengers) to check clearances and determine what, if any, changes will be needed to road layouts. With ridership certain to continue growing as some of the areas served (such as the Hönggerberg university campus) continue to be developed, double-articulated trolleybuses will certainly be the best solution here, and a powerful argument for electrification. I have finally got around to adding some recent photos.
(or all together here) 22.11.2013 - This newslog is 10 years old
25.10.2013 - Sänfte on Glattalbahn With at least four of the VBG Cobras temporarily out of use due to accidents, VBZ is increasingly substituting city liveried Cobras on route 10/12 (operationally these are the same route as cars switch route designation at the airport terminus). The last couple of days, however, have also seen a Sänfte unit on this service. 11.10.2013 - Limmattalbahn: federal concession granted
11.10.2013 - ex-FW units head for CJ Following up on the recent Frauenfeld Wil news, FW Be 4/4 11 and 12 have now been sent by road to CJ.
30.09.2013 - Frauenfeld – Wil update On the Frauenfeld-Wil railway (FW), Stadler units 7001 and 7002 are now in service. 7003 is delivered but not currently in service as it is only fitted only with the new signalling system (the old system will cease to be used in mid October, hence the unit cannot run in passenger service before that). Driving Trailers 113 and 114 were taken to a scrapyard on Friday (27th September). ASm are currently in negotiations concerning the purchase of a power car and a driving trailer set for use as a reserve unit at Langenthal. CJ are also negotiating concerning purchase of the other four power cars, but funding for this is not yet confirmed (the volatge will furthermore have to be adapated from 1200 to 1500V). Be 4/4 16 and 17 are expected to be retained by FW as reserve units. 30.09.2013 - Swisstrolley4 deliveries complete With Swisstrolley 182 now in service, delivery of the Swisstrolley4s trolleybuses (162-182) is complete. 25.09.2013 - Limmattalbahn approval moves to federal level
The mockup pictures accompanying this newsitem depict (from top to bottom), Furttalstrasse in Spreitenbach, the outer terminus at Killwangen Bahnhof (this is Killwangen Spreitenbach station, which may be known to railway enthusiasts due to its proximity to the Limmattal marshalling yard), Urdorf and finally Dietikon Bahnhof. The latter picture is of special interest as it shows the tracks of Limmattalbahn (from far left) merging with those of the BDWM narrow-gauge railway (from the mid left) for their joint section through Dietikon (pictures can be enlarged through clicking). 20.09.2013 - Trams for Winterthur?
The 17km, three-line system would require 19 trams. Each line would run at 15 minute headway, with these combining to a 7.5 minute service on the common sections.
Winterthur had trams from 1898 until 1951. Pland to re-introduce the mode have re-surfaced over the years, either as an urban system (earlier proposal here) or a regional tram-train. Despite the potential realisation being many years away, Prof Häfliger wants the city planners to take notice and consider a future tram in present planning projects. 17.09.2013 - Polybahn car in Landquart
In an article of 6th September, the NZZ newspaper reports on the order for two additional Lightrams for route 31. It also states that some O405 GTZ will remain in service beyond the delivery of the Swisstrolley4s, but limits this to April 2014, explaining that many of the diesels presently filling on trolleybus routes will be needed for other purposes. This would contradict earlier reports that they may remain until the opening of the Hardbrücke Tram link. 11.09.2013 - Sad pictures of GTZ
The O405 GTZ trolleybuses are rapidly becoming an endangered species. Trolleybus Valparaiso has, on his facebook page, posted these sad pictures of 106 awaiting its fate. 20.08.2013 - Trolleybus 102 joins Rétrobus collection O405 GTZ trolleybus 102 was towed out of Zürich on 17th August for preservation by Rétrobus. This is the third O405 GTZ to be preserved by this organisation following Winterthur 147 and 149. 14.08.2013 - Kurbeli 1379 leaves Zürich
The future of these vehicles remains undecided. What a pity that the opportunity was missed to generate more interest and ultimately support during the cars' stay in Zürich, for example by displaying the set alongside 1392 + 732 at the museum in Burgwies and generating more publicity by informing the media or spreading the word on social media. This landmark opportunity has passed practically unnoticed. The former Polybahn car, which previously stood on the forecourt of Wartau depot has also left Zürich, although it is not clear whether it has gone to the same destination. 14.08.2013 - Cargotram marks 10th anniversary
For more background information on the service, see this article (written in 2003). While on the subject of rubbish and trams, VBZ is presently removing bins from its trams. This follows a similar trial on S-Bahn trains in which this was seen as a cost-cutting exercise, the idea being that people take their rubbish with them. Let us wait and see .... 14.08.2013 - Bicycle-friendly tram tracks VBZ is testing cycle-freindly tram tracks at the Schwert stop of route 13. Past tests have involved rubber inlays in the rail groove but these have proved unsuitable as they would easily become detached from the rail or damaged by use. The new test involves a rail with a deeper groove, so reducing the compression on the rubber. 13.08.2013 - Future trolleybus fleet This newslog has already discussed the future deployment of the trolleybus fleet, especially in regard to the new vehicles not being numerically sufficient to replace the current fleet one to one (see posts of October and June). Trolleymotion now sheds some further light on this. Concerning the purchase of two additional double-articulated units, the order placed in 2011 included an option for 10 further Lightram3s, of which these are part. Currently three services on route 31 are scheduled to be worked by single-articulated diesel buses. The new trolleybuses should permit both routes 31 and 32 to be fully electrically worked under normal conditions. As for the single-articulated trolleybus routes (33, 34, 46, 72 and the future relief route 71), the exchange of terminii between routes 33 and 72 as well as the all-day 7.5 minute headway will permit changes as follows: Route 33 will require 12 vehicles (presently 18) and the 72, 10 vehicles (presently 8). The proposed relief route 71 between Rosengartenstrasse and Albisriederplatz will require three units. The three routes will thus jointly require 25 trolleybuses, down from the present 26 (note, the above numbers do not fully match those here). With the 46 and 34 continuing to require nine and four respectively, the total requirement for single-articulated trolleybuses in service will be 38. Once all the O405 GTzs are replaced, only 39 single-articulted trolleybuses will be available, leaving insufficient units to cover the maintenance reserve. To bridge the gap until the opening of Tram Hardbrücke (which will presumably permit route 71 to be discontinued), a yet to be determined number of O405 GTZs will be retained to cover as spares. Since April, the following GTZs have been withdrawn: 102, 110, 111, 112, 118, 123 and 127. 102 is set aside for preservation by an unidentified party. 15 trolleybuses of this type remain in service. 13.08.2013 - Bern trolleybuses to run on batteries in town centre Continuing on the topic of trolleybuses, Trolleymotion reports on the future of the Bern system. With both the network and fleet having shrunk over the years, some observers have expressed concern over the system's future. However, on a more positive note, it does appear that BernMobil is presently seeking to replace the fleet, albeit using battery trolleybuses that would permit overhead lines to be removed from the city centre (and thus permit the trolleybuses to be re-routed from the Marktgasse to the Bundesgasse, overhead lines not being desirable in the latter). The re-route is envisaged for 2018, with a total fleet replacement being planned for 2021. In common with Basel, Bern went through an unsuccesful phase with gas buses. In contrast to Basel however, Bern's trolleybus survived that, with the gas buses being used more as a replacement on diesel routes. 26.07.2013 - Winterthur to add a trolleybus First of all apologies for the lengthy break in updating this page. Some of the following items may thus seem slightly old. According to bahnhofplatz.net, Winterthur is acquiring an additional trolleybus to strengthen service on route 2. At this time that the trolleybus as a mode seems to be on its back foot, any order for a new trolleybus is good news, especially if it is to grow a fleet rather than replace existing vehicles. In 2011, Winterthur also orderered two trolleybuses, taking the fleet from 31 (before the GTZ replacement) to 34 when the new addition arrives. 26.07.2013 - Vision 2030, looking at VBZ's plans for the future Back in 2006, VBZ announced their Vision 2025, outlining their development strategy. VBZ has now published a new report, adapting these plans and taking them up to date. The study looks at present and future passenger flows and expected development and studies the changes that will need to be implemented to absorb the growth. With the new cross-city rail tunnel (Durchmesserline) approaching completion, the re-arrangement and additional capacity of S-Bahn routes will bring changes to regional traffic flows and capacity. Many of the new tram lines proposed are the same as in the previous study, but some priorities have shifted. Compared to the 2006 proposals of course, Tram Zürich West has passed from being a project to a working tram line and construction work on Tram Hardbrücke is drawing closer. The tram on Rosengartenstrasse (Rosengartentram) and its southern extension (Tramtangente Süd) is still being pursued, but due to political opposition, this looks like a more long-term objective (beyond 2025, but improved trolleybus capacity – such as bus lanes – may happen sooner). On the other hand, the Affoltern tram line is now a priority – and even appears set to be served by two routes. One tram route is envisaged as a tangential route from Holzerhurd via Bahnhof Oerlikon to Stettbach (resucitating the Oerlikon to Schwamendingen tram proposal at the same time, another one that seemed to have slipped to a very long-term horizon. The route is marked T1 on the map below. It links Holzerhurd to Bahnhof Stettbach via Bahnhof Oerlikon and involves a lot of new track). The other Affoltern route will run from Holzerhurd into central Zürich (probably as a re-routing of route 11, with route 11's present Auzelg leg being taken over by route 15). This line could either share tracks with the above route as far as Regensbergbrücke (Oerlikon), or make its own way to Bucheggplatz along much the same alignment trolleybus 32 presently uses.
In terms of trolleybus planning, the electrification of routes 69 and 80 are mentioned as goals.
26.07.2013 - All change at Altstetten
Further details are emerging on the future tram layout at Bahnhof Altstetten. When the proposed Limmattalbahn is built, route 2 will be extended beyond its present Farbhof terminus, sharing the new tracks as far as Schlieren. To improve connectivity to S-Bahn services, the present alignment in Badenerstrasse is to diverted to run past the station, and Limmatalbahn will at the same time be provided a terminus here. The arrangement of this permits a future city-wards extension along Hohlstrasse. 26.07.2013 - More white for Glattal Cobras Following a series of accidents on the airport line, VBG are repainting the front ends of their Cobras to be more visible by increasing their area of white. 12.06.2013 - Limmattalbahn into central Zürich?
The motion has been accepted by the cantonal parliament with 112 votes to 57. The administration must now study the proposals. bahnhofplatz.net and 20 Minuten 07.06.2013 - Iconic Giraff bus as model
HO scale modellers who would like to include this truly Zürich bus on their layouts can now obtain one from the Czech model maker, www.vvmodel.cz (direct link to product page here). More information on the type can be read on www.ogs-seebach.ch/ p/infoseld.php?src=ogstheme2.php&id=654 . 04.06.2013 - Two additional Lightrams ordered VBZ has ordered two additional Lightram3 double-articulated trolleybuses. The pair is costing 3.6 million and will be delivered in the first half of 2014. The order is being placed with the manufacturer, HESS, on the basis of an option signed with the 2011 order and permitting up to 10 such buses to be ordred by the end of 2016. According to the press release, the two lines using double-articulated trolleybuses, routes 31 and 32, jointly need 28 trolleybuses in service plus three spares. Currently, however, only 29 are available. The new trolleybuses will cover this shortage. Interestingly, the press release presents an explanation of why insufficient vehicles were ordered in 2011. This states that previous plans had intended to cut back route 31 between Schlieren and Farbhof as early as 2014 to permit a rebuilding of the terminus area (Stadtplatz Schlieren). This section of the route would then temporaily be replaced by diesel buses until the opening of the Limmattalbahn tramway. According to present plans, the work is being postponed until 2017, coinciding with the beginning of construction work for the tramway (which will replace the trolleybus West of Bahnhof Altstetten). The cutting back of the terminus of route 31 would reduce vehicle requirements by three trolleybuses. The extended transitional period now justifies the acquisition of new trolleybuses rather than continued diesel operation under wires. The press release states that the buses will be re-deployed elsewhere on the system after closure of the Schlieren section, but does not specify this further. In this way, a premature trolleybus closure, of which the public had (as far as I know) not hitherto been informed, was narrowly averted. Re-running previous calculations with this new data, the present replacement of 43 O405 GTZ trolleybuses by 21 Swisstrolley4s and 14 Lightram3s is reducing the fleet from 78 to 70 units. Four of the reductions are explained by a stretching of headways on route 32, made possible by the increased capacity of the buses. The other four reductions (affecting single-articulated routes) will be covered by increased used of diesel buses under wires, and is also partially justified by the proposed tram line on Hardbrücke, although the reasoning here too remains questionable, as in its initial form, route 8 will not significantly replace much trolleybus traffic. Let us hope for a change of heart on this issue also. 04.06.2013 - Basel: BLT orders further Tangos
The 2006 plan enivsaged 21 units to be acquired in this phase. The reason for the discrepancy is unclear. 23.05.2013 - Trolleybus renewal update Recent O405 GTZ withdrawals (since the April update) include 102, 111 and 123. Swisstrolley4 deliveries have reached number 172. 23.05.2013 - Sign a petition for Seattle's streetcars
From 1982 to 2005, Seattle ran a historic streetcar line along its waterfront. The suspension was temporary at first, but present plans to redevelop the waterfront no longer include the streetcar. To learn more about this tragic development, and sign a petition to bring the streetcar back, please click on the screenshot below. Every signature counts. 17.05.2013 - Bern steam tram model
I am not in any way connected to Atlas Verlag or anybody else involved in this offer. As indicated, I recommend a careful reading of the small print. Discussions of the model (with further pictures) can be found on HAG Forum and Jans Modellstrassenbahnen. 15.05.2013 - Flashback to 2003: The cardboard tram
14.05.2013 - Glattalbahn to Uster?
20 Minuten 14.05.2013 - Kurbeli 1379 returns to Zürich One rather significant item which I regret to have missed is the return of Kurbeli tram 1379. Discounting the works cars and those sold to North Korea, only three trams of this type (the Zürich heavyweight version of the Swiss Standard Tram) survive. In the mid 1990s, 1379 was saved together with trailer 737 by the French preservation group AMTUIR. Ths association is regretably in the process of reducing its collection due to lack of space. 1379 and 737 arrived in Zürich on 15th February. A small group of individuals is behind their return, with some non-financial support from Tram Museum Züich, but not officially as one of their projects. The cars are said to be in good condition, no doubt due to their indoor storage. They will be stored in a safe location. Their future use is undecided. Tram 14.05.2013 - Basel cross-border trams Work on Basel's cross-border line to Weil (Germany) is making good progress. Plans to extend lines to Saint Louis (France) are in the meantime also gathering momentum. The French authorities would like to begin work on extending route 3 this year (or at the lastest next year) in order to be able to make use of money from the French state. The project will cost 98 million Francs and could be completed in 2018. Tram 30.04.2013 - Trolleybus deliveries reach number 170 Delivery of Swisstrolley4 trolleybuses is progressing rapidly, with number 170 being reported in service. 25.04.2013 - Youtube find, FBW trolleybuses in 1984
Found on Youtube: this short clip dating to 1984 of two FBW GTr51 trolleybuses at Schlyfi (on the Witikon line). Valparaíso fans may appreciate that the first of the two, 132 later saw service in that city (as number 504), but was sadly lost to an arson attack last year
24.04.2013 - Living in a tram depot?
Tages Anzeiger
22.04.2013 - O405 GTZ farewell tour
My photographs of the tour can be seen
here. I have also added a YouTube movie below.
16.04.2013 - Google doodle for Indian Railways
Google today has another rail-related doodle. This time Google (in India) marks the 160th anniversary of that country's first passenger train. 10.04.2013 - Skoda 15T for Zürich?
Wikipedia article for Skoda 15T 09.04.2013 - First Swisstrolley4s in service The first Swisstrolley4s are now in service, with 164 and 165 being reported. 168 has been seen on test. 08.04.2013 - Five suppliers vie for tram contract
The final order should be placed before Christmas, with the first of the new trams being in service befor the end of 2016. 28.03.2013 - Genève: TOSA electric bus demonstration
More details can be read here:
The vehicle will be will be a 19m Hess-built articulated bus with two powered axles and 40kWh of energy storage. Fast charging stations will be located at both end points, with a charging power of 400kW supplied for 15s. The distance covered will be 1824m in 3 minutes and 20 seconds. It is interesting to bounce some orders of magnitude around and recall that back in 1950, the Gyrobus could cover 5 to 6km for 2 to 5 minutes of charging. A longer demonstration route will be operated in 2014 (route 5 extending from here into central Genève), with recharging at numerous intermediate points (see this TOSA presentation). Unfortunately the above document also contains a certain level of anti trolleybus rumblings. Here is a quote: Reducing polluting emissions by using renewable energy as much as possible (the electric power purchased by tpg is certified 100% hydro) and putting an end to the visual pollution of overhead trolleybus wires are also priorities. Boosting commercial speed by improving reliability is another. At present, the complexity of the network of overhead wires -serving both trams and trolleybuses - is a source of technical hitches and serious breakdowns.
There is nothing to be said against seeking and implementing new propulsion modes for buses, but seeking to set these against trolleybuses and trams rather than the main source of pollution and ugliness in cities – cars, is a worrying development. Only yesterday this newslog praised VBZ's baby trolleybus ad.
Visit this website's trolleybus pages. 28.03.2013 - Frauenfeld – Wil new trains The first of Frauenfeld - Wil's new Diamant trains has been delivered. 27.03.2013 - GTZ trolleybus farewell tour
27.03.2013 - Mirage coupled pair in action
27.03.2013 - Trams and trolleybuses in adverts The appearance of Zürich's trams and trolleybuses in adverts for all sorts of products and services happens so frequently that it isn't usually worthy of much mention. But I recently observed two that maybe merited a bit more.
Allow me to start with this sympathetic trolley-minibus, which is of course a nudge to VBZ's pride about its super-length double-articulated trolleybus, but also a retort to automobile makers latest craze about electric mobility – something that public transport does much better and has been doing for far longer (but would automobile makers ever acknowledge that?). Yet somehow I wouldn't mind having this toy-like almost cuddly vehicle for real. Maybe not on the 31 to Schlieren Zentrum but on one of VBZ's minibus routes maybe?
Another advert that made me smile is this charming view of a Cobra tram in a cardboard cut-out world crossing Münsterbrücke (which appears to have lakewards to become Quaibrücke). The scene is from a video advertising Zürichcard, an offer for tourists (and residents) combining free travel in the city with free entrance to musea and various other interesting offers. The movie was made by Ultra, and can be viewed on their website here. Stills from the movie are also used as posters. For more information on Zürichcard, visit the Zürichcard website.
Incidentally, the Münsterbrücke did carry trams for a while, first horse trams and later an electric line, but the link was dismantled in the 1920s. The movie also has other scenes with trams in similarly composite locations, where you think you know the precise spot until you take a closer look. (clicking on the movie stills take you to the movie on the Ultra website) 22.03.2013 - City council approves Hardbrücke tram
18.03.2013 - Tram route 17 to be extended to Albisgütli? Further news on the December 2013 timetable switch suggests route 17 will be extended to Albisgütli (via Paradeplatz) at peak times. 15.03.2013 - Trolleybuses to be re-routed? According to bahnhofplatz.net, VBZ is considering exchanging the south-western arms of trolleybus routes 33 and 72. The 33 would thus run Triemli - Tiefenbrunnen and the 72 Morgental - Milchbuck. The change, which could come into effect with the timetable switch of December 2013, is motivated by capacity and timekeeping issues due to the great length of the present route 33. Furthermore a short relief route 71 would be added, paralleling the 33 and 72 between Albisriederplatz and Rosengartenstrasse. 14.03.2013 - Swisstrolley4 arriving Swisstrolley4 trolleybuses 162, 163 and 164 are reported in Zürich, with 162 having been sighted on test runs. 12.03.2013 - A look at O405 trolleybuses in Quito Time is clearly running running out for Switzerland's Mercedes O405 trolleybuses: Bahnhofplatz reports that the last two Winterthur vehicles, 147 and 149, have been passed to Retrobus, although the Retrobus website does not as yet refer to the acquisition. Trolleymotion reports that Zürich's fleet has now also dwindled to 24 units (102, 106, 110-111, 113, 115, 118, 119, 122-125, 127-133, 136-137, 140, 142-143). With the end of these units only months away, we may soon have to look across the Atlantic (and half way around the globe) to see the star of the O405 continue to shine. Quito (Ecuador) has a fleet of O405 trolleybuses by Mercedes-Benz / Adtranz / Hispano. These are equipped to serve high platforms on dedicated busways, but also share with general traffic in the city centre. According to an article on Trolleymotion, the earlier batch (1-54) have reached the end of their economic lifespan. No decision has yet been made about whether they will be replaced by new trolleybuses or by diesels. Delivered in 1995, they are of similar age to Zürich's present O405s (also being withdrawn). Quito also has newer units (55-113) of 1999. The possibility of refurbishing these is presently being evaluated, with 102 being treated as a pilot. 12.03.2013 - Future of Zürich's trolleybus fleet This webiste has already pointed out that once the new Swisstrolley4s and Lighttrams are all available, that they will notz be sufficient numerically to replace the O405s 1 to 1. In an earlier posting on this matter, based on discussions on the bahnhofplatz.net forum, the difference was on the one hand explained by stretching of headways due to larger buses on route 32, and on the other by the increased use of diesels as spares vehicles for trolleybus routes, justified by the universal deployment of said spare vehicles. An article on trolleymotion has a slightly different interpretation of this, with expansion of the tram system partially replacing trolleybuses. The article mentions Limmattalbahn, which would see route 31 truncated at Bahnhof Altstetten, and also the tram on Hardbrücke. In the case of Hardbrücke, it is difficult to follow this as although the new tram will parallel the present trolleybus routes 33 and 72 for a distance of four stops, are more long-distance orbital routes and would be likely to survive the opening of this tram. The Rosengarten tram project, which could indeed replace much of route 72, seems to be slipping to a more distant future, maybe beyond the lifespan of much of the present trolleybus fleet, making a proactive fleet reduction an unlikely explanation. For Limmatalbahn, the explanation is indeed credible. The article also says the electrification of routes 69 and 80 is still a possibility. 28.02.2013 - Basel: days of classic trams are numbered
Besides the elimination of the Swiss Standard Trams (457-476) of 1968-1968, the articulated units 659-686 will also go (these were fitted with rather unsuccessful and unaestheitical low-floor middle sections in 1997-1999). Apparently Sofia is interested in acquiring these. The Cornichons 477-502 will probably be retained as reserve units, as will some trailers. 462 has become the first of its batch to be withdrawn, following a fire. Furthermore, it appears that a pair of Duewags can be retained as museum set. During the debate preceding the 2008 closure of Basel's trolleybus, it was argued that the new gas buses were just as clean and quiet as the trolleybuses they were prematurely replacing. Making a quiet U-turn on its earlier intentions of having an all gas-bus fleet, it appears BVB is once again seeking to acquire diesel buses. So much for referendum promises. In the meantime, with sufficient Tango trams available, BLT is proceeding with reverting some of its Be4/8 (of the 201 to 266 series) to Be4/6 by removing the low-floor sections so they can take on the duties of the older (and shorter) Be4/6 units. BLT is also apparently now considering acquiring Bombardier Flexities rather than further tangos. Tram magazine (issue 113, 02-04.2013) 28.02.2013 - Trolleybus deliveries delayed The availability of the new double-articulated trolleybuses 78-89 has been somewhat problematic during their first months. The reason for this was that, in contrast to the earlier batch (61-77) which has auxiliary diesel motors for moving away from the wires, the new units had lithium batteries, the charging cuits of which have not always behaved as expected. Consequently, the subsequent delivery of Swisstrolley4 single-articulated buses has been delayed. The first unit should have been delivered at the end of last year but so far none have yet been seen in Zürich. 28.02.2013 - Mistaken identity, scorched tram was 3034 Several corresponents has pointed out to me that I have mistaken the identity of the tram damaged by fire at Escher-Wyss-Platz depot. The tram was Cobra 3034, not 3043. 24.01.2013 - Scorched 3043 likely to return Investigation of the damage to Cobra 3043 shows that a repair is viable, but the tram will not return to service before the Summer at the earliest. Forensic investigations indicated that the fire was arson. 24.01.2013 - Footage of The Bourne Identity trams Part of the storyline of the 2002 movie, The Bourne Identity, plays in Zürich, only the Zürich of the movie wasn't Zürich but Prague (apparently Hollywood decided that Zürich didn't look enough like Zürich – or maybe it was just too expensive). Tram enthusiasts who watched the movie will not have missed the cameo appearance by some Zürich trams. These were actually Tatra T3s repainted into VBZ livery. Some rare (non movie) footage of these units has appeared on YouTube. Note the mis-spalling of O[e]rlikon. I guess these Tatras were supposed to resemble Karpfen units, with both fleet numbers and routes being correct for the period.
11.01.2013 - Which shade of green for Basel? Basel is consulting its citizens over the shade of green in which its trams should be painted. The consultation is taking place as part of the acquisition of 60 new Flexity trams, the first of which will arrive next year. A Combino tram has been painted into four different variants, with the public being asked to select their favourite.
Basel's trams have been green since the very beginning in 1895, but the precise shade has developed over the years. The latest incarnation of this, as applied to the Combino trams, was not broadly appreciated, and at times described as "poison green" (Giftgrün). 09.01.2013 - Google marks London Underground 150
For those who haven't visited google.co.uk today, the welcome screen marks the 150th anniversary of London Underground. 07.01.2013 - Is burnt Cobra beyond repair? Cobra 3043, which was damaged by fire last Wednesday, is currently being assessed in the VBZ workshops at Altstetten. Whether or not the aluminium structure can be salavaged depends on the temperatures to which it was exposed during the fire. It has already been revealed that segments 2 and 3 are beyond repair, and that VBZ does not have the parts in its own inventory to build replacements. It thus remains to be seen whether these parts can be sourced at an acceptable cost. As an alternative the approaching new tram order could be increased by one unit. VBZ has rejected speculations that the Cobra could be rebuilt as a three-section mini tram. 04.01.2013 - Burnt out tram moved to ZW Altstetten Tram 3043, which was damaged by fire at Escher-Wyss depot on Wednesday was moved to VBZ's Altsetten works by low loader lorry this morning. 03.01.2013 - More on the 1953 RT bus visit
In later years, the RMs were to continue the tradition of goodwill tours for a while, but closer to date similar activities by Fleetlines, Metrobuses and Citaros were to become far scarcer (to put it mildly). Maybe it was because goodwill (or even buses) fell out of fashion in a globalised and rationalised world. Or maybe it was because a mass-produced and interchangeable bus can hardly be an ambassador of any city. Let us see whether Boris Johnson's revival of the true London bus will help reverse that trend. www.flickriver.com/photos/23875695@N06/sets/72157624015923799 The visitor counter on the newslog page has just passed the 100,000 mark. Thank you to all loyal (and occasional) readers who continue to make this site popular. 02.01.2013 - Fire at Escher Wyss Depot Yesterday night a fire broke out in the yard behind Escher-Wyss-Platz depot. Cobra tram 3043 suffered damage along with two automobiles that were parked adjacently. The fire was discovered at 3am and extinguished by the fire brigade. The extent of the damage and the cause are not presently clear, with a scrapping of the 3.5 million Franc tram being a possible consequence. www.20min.ch/schweiz/zuerich/story/31897206 A Happy New Year to all readers. All 2012 news items can now be found on www.proaktiva.ch/tram/zurich/newslog/2012.html. next year | previous year | current year | other years | search. return to Zürich tram home page. |