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Kurbeli 1379 returns to Zürich

filed on: 14.05.2013 (14th May 2013)

One rather significant item which I regret to have missed is the return of Kurbeli tram 1379. Discounting the works cars and those sold to North Korea, only three trams of this type (the Zürich heavyweight version of the Swiss Standard Tram) survive. In the mid 1990s, 1379 was saved together with trailer 737 by the French preservation group AMTUIR. Ths association is regretably in the process of reducing its collection due to lack of space. 1379 and 737 arrived in Zürich on 15th February. A small group of individuals is behind their return, with some non-financial support from Tram Museum Züich, but not officially as one of their projects. The cars are said to be in good condition, no doubt due to their indoor storage. They will be stored in a safe location. Their future use is undecided.

source: Tram

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