Bern: Changes on track
filed on: 13.06.2008 (13th Jun 2008)
The opening of Tram Bern West in 2010 will see Bern's tram system re-organised as follows (through tram lines): Brunnen/Betlehem to Saali (present route 3) , Bumpliz to Ostring (present route 5). Today's route G will be extended to Fischermätteli via Bern Hauptbahnhof. Bernmobil will take over the operating resposnibilities of this line from RBS, but RBS will operate the line under contract. RBS Be4/8 Tram 2000 units 81-89 that currently operate this route will be strectched to Be4/10 units through the addition of low floor sections. 8 Combinos will also be stretched from Be4/6 to Be6/8 and 21 further Be6/8 units are on order.
Swissrail Yahoogroup
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