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This newslog is 10 years old

filed on: 22.11.2013 (22nd Nov 2013)

first newlog item 2003 This month marks the 10th anniversary of this newslog. The first two items published (on 12th November 2003) concerned Cargotram and the new Forchbahn units. In total, 957 news items have been published, totalling 108,198 words. The newslog page alone was accessed 103,892 times, moving some 6.3 GB of data. Overall traffic has slipped from 15,673 visits in 2008 to 9,813 to date this year, maybe reflecting that its format has dated somewhat. But quantity is not quality and I do intend to carry on, so please spread the word to anybody who may be interested. And thank you to all readers who have been loyal to this website over the years.

This news item is from the 2013 newslog.

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