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Vision 2030, looking at VBZ's plans for the future

filed on: 26.07.2013 (26th Jul 2013)

Back in 2006, VBZ announced their Vision 2025, outlining their development strategy. VBZ has now published a new report, adapting these plans and taking them up to date.

The study looks at present and future passenger flows and expected development and studies the changes that will need to be implemented to absorb the growth. With the new cross-city rail tunnel (Durchmesserline) approaching completion, the re-arrangement and additional capacity of S-Bahn routes will bring changes to regional traffic flows and capacity.

Many of the new tram lines proposed are the same as in the previous study, but some priorities have shifted. Compared to the 2006 proposals of course, Tram Zürich West has passed from being a project to a working tram line and construction work on Tram Hardbrücke is drawing closer. The tram on Rosengartenstrasse (Rosengartentram) and its southern extension (Tramtangente Süd) is still being pursued, but due to political opposition, this looks like a more long-term objective (beyond 2025, but improved trolleybus capacity – such as bus lanes – may happen sooner). On the other hand, the Affoltern tram line is now a priority – and even appears set to be served by two routes. One tram route is envisaged as a tangential route from Holzerhurd via Bahnhof Oerlikon to Stettbach (resucitating the Oerlikon to Schwamendingen tram proposal at the same time, another one that seemed to have slipped to a very long-term horizon. The route is marked T1 on the map below. It links Holzerhurd to Bahnhof Stettbach via Bahnhof Oerlikon and involves a lot of new track). The other Affoltern route will run from Holzerhurd into central Zürich (probably as a re-routing of route 11, with route 11's present Auzelg leg being taken over by route 15). This line could either share tracks with the above route as far as Regensbergbrücke (Oerlikon), or make its own way to Bucheggplatz along much the same alignment trolleybus 32 presently uses.

In terms of trolleybus planning, the electrification of routes 69 and 80 are mentioned as goals.

VBZ Hauiptliniennetz 2025

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